
Saint Patrick School bought Minicity games for all grades of our school. MiniCity is a board game created by an English teacher Miss Paulina Gacitúa. She was inspired by the Monopoly game and created a wonderful tool for learning English and having fun at the same time. Our school bought 24 games for the English Department to use it with all levels. Students have enjoyed playing using Math problems and standard expressions to communicate during playing. Moreover, students laugh and speak as much English as possible.
El objetivo de MiniCity en colegios y hogares, es complementar el aprendizaje oral y comunicativo del idioma inglés, actuando como apoyo didáctico en diversas unidades temáticas y ayudando a consolidar los siguientes aprendizajes, contenidos y habilidades que el Ministerio de Educación promueve a través de sus planes y programas nacionales: lugares y tiendas de una ciudad Oficios y profesiones Productos y precios Números Medios de transporte Viajes Verbos.